Become a Member
Contact Summit Clubhouse on How to be referred for Clubhouse Services.
Rights of Our Members:
Summit Clubhouse is always welcoming new members!
We serve Isabella, Clare and Gladwin Counties. If you reside in one of these counties and are Medicaid eligible, please consider becoming a member. Membership is open to anyone with a history of mental illness unless that person poses a significant and current threat to the general Clubhouse community. Summit Clubhouse would like for you to look into becoming a member.
1. Please call ahead to set up a tour of the Clubhouse at 989-317-3330 or 989-317-8204.
2. Complete the intake process at Community Mental Health for Central Michigan by contacting the following offices:
Isabella County Office: 989-772-5938
Clare County Office: 989-539-2141
Gladwin County Office 989-426-9295
3. If the individual is a current recipient of mental health services through CMHCM, please request that the case holder complete a program referral for Clubhouse Services.
4. Eligibility:
Clubhouse services are intended for individuals with a primary diagnosis of mental illness. Clubhouse is not an appropriate service for individuals with a primary diagnosis of intellectual developmental disorder.
Clubhouse services are not appropriate for individuals who exhibit:
-Behaviors that would threaten or pose a current health and safety risk to themselves or others.
-A severity of symptoms requiring a more intensive level of treatment
-Behaviors that disrupt the daily work of the Clubhouse
-Behaviors that require excessive redirection and/or monitoring.
We look forward to working side-by-side with new members.