Become a Member

Contact Summit Clubhouse on How to be referred for Clubhouse Services. 

Isabella County Office
Clare County Office
Gladwin County Office

Rights of Our Members:

A Right to Meaningful Work
A Right to Fulfilling Relationships
A Right of a Place to Belong

Summit Clubhouse is always welcoming new members!  

We serve Isabella, Clare and Gladwin Counties.  If you reside in one of these counties and are Medicaid eligible, please consider becoming a member.  Membership is open to anyone with a history of mental illness unless that person poses a significant and current threat to the general Clubhouse community.  Summit Clubhouse would like for you to look into becoming a member. 

1.  Please call ahead to set up a tour of the Clubhouse at 989-317-3330 or 989-317-8204.

2.  Complete the intake process at Community Mental Health for Central Michigan by contacting the following offices:

Isabella County Office: 989-772-5938

Clare County Office: 989-539-2141

Gladwin County Office 989-426-9295

3.  If the individual is a current recipient of mental health services through CMHCM, please request that the case holder complete a program referral for Clubhouse Services.   

4.  Eligibility: 

Clubhouse services are intended for individuals with a primary diagnosis of mental illness.  Clubhouse is not an appropriate service for individuals with a primary diagnosis of intellectual developmental disorder. 

Clubhouse services are not appropriate for individuals who exhibit:

       -Behaviors that would threaten or pose a current health and safety risk to themselves or others.

       -A severity of symptoms requiring a more intensive level of treatment

       -Behaviors that disrupt the daily work of the Clubhouse

       -Behaviors that require excessive redirection and/or monitoring.

We look forward to working side-by-side with new members.

Help us promote independence, empowerment, and self determination of members today!

Every amount assists our mission.
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